Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Making Marks

Like many of us, I am an idea person...and I have a lot of them.  I'm like a Dr. Seuss character...the "Thinker of Great Thoughts".  I dream and make a plan in my head but fail to execute. It's like I need an assistant to follow me around picking up whatever falls out of my head...or at least the good stuff (and the location of my car keys). Sometimes my failure is a time issue, other times it's a fear issue, and other times I have no idea what makes me tuck my project away...probably comparison.  I see the gorgeous art of others and engage in the circle of doubt in my head...I'm not good enough, go back and try again. It's like I get stuck in a traffic roundabout with no exits.  In an attempt to get out of my circle and move forward, I have had to come to embrace the realization that I cannot predict the tastes of others, so I will do what makes me happy. Some may look at my work and think it's not good, others may love it. Most important is that I like it and it gave me joy to create and if I want to share, I have to be ready to take the criticism as well as the compliments.  So here goes....

Lately, I have been fascinated with the idea of mark-making. Inspired by the art of Belinda Fireman, Roben-Marie Smith, Traci Bautista, and Donna Downey I have been playing around on my own.  These are the results:

I have more designs to share later.  Except for cropping, these are all unretouched and unedited. I have a few ideas about what to do with them.  One thought is to get them printed and make them available on etsy, either as cards or prints.  I could incorporate them into cards or an art journal and submit them for publication. I don't know...ideas are welcome.

Thanks for visiting.

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