Saturday, January 12, 2013

PHICOPS I am the Diva Weekly Challenge

Here we first challenge, so please bear with me.  I am getting to know how to post to this blog, how to link to others and how to customize it to make it my own.  Definately a learning curve.   I am not afraid of technology but every time I go to Best Buy I can't help but notice that the computer or television I bought last week has been replaced by a newer, faster, prettier version so as a reasonable adult who can still remember, as my children point out, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I know that I have a limited amount of space in my head.  Any logical person would be reluctant to fill it with such things as how to update a blog layout since the instructions are just going to change in a month anyway, and really, I have kids for that. But I digress...this really has nothing to do with the challenge only to note that I have no idea what I'm doing so I appreciate your patience.  The challenge can be found here.

Here are my first entries to the Diva's challenge.  Enjoy, Dot



  1. The entries to the challenge are wonderful - each quite unique, well balanced, and well placed complementary tangles. (And at least you've been able to figure out how to make a link back to the challenges... I still can't get that a year and many tries later...)

    1. Thank you, Sue. There is a link option when you are composing the blog(at least in blogger) that allows you to add a link. I never know if the darn thing works, but I'm trying. Keep at it!

  2. Welcome! Your tiles are each lovely!

  3. All three are beautiful! Nice to see you here.
